If you're new to Animal Jam and you need some tips on how to fit in, then you've come to the right place. Here you can learn all about the trading system, different lands, the benefits of a membership, and just how everyone rolls. Once you've started Animal Jam, you never stop.
Link to Animal Jam: http://www.animaljam.com/home
First you want to get to Animal Jam's Site and click on the "Play Now" button.
This window will then pop up and you're going to want to click the "Create An Animal" Button.
Then it will take you to this page where it shows you a variety of animals. I would choose the wolf because the wolf is the most popular animal and everyone needs one. You only get to choose 2 animals if you don't have a membership so make sure one is a wolf. Then click the "Next" button.
Next you want to choose your animal name and remember, once you finish creating your account, you can't change your name. I recommend choosing what you want to. You can see the red lever on the side, that mixes up words randomly to create your name. I wouldn't recommend it, I recommend creating your own name but if you are really bad at decisions, go ahead and pull the lever. My advice for choosing a name is creating a name that you will like for a while, and something that rolls off the tongue. Finally, when you've found your perfect name, click "Next" to go on or "Back" if you want to change something on the last page.
I would call this the most important step to creating your account. Make sure to fill out all the information and make sure it's valid. Your username is the most ESSENTIAL part to your account. The Warriors series is very popular throughout Animal Jam so you can create a username that involves that or you could just create a username that sounds cool or mysterious. If your username is not available, add x's to it like i did in the picture above. Try not to use numbers, we made that mistake when we created our accounts. The cooler sounding and the less numbers, the more important you'll seem on Animal Jam. Once you are done, click "Next".
Then you need to enter an email that you can at least reach. Note: even though it says parents email, we just put one we can get to. When you are finished filling out your email, click "Next".
Last and always least, is the Terms and Conditions. All you have to do here to check the "I Agree" box which states that you will play by the rules of Animal Jam. Before you click the last "Next", I would click "Back" to review your information because if you make a mistake it will stay that way forever. After you have reviewed your information and all of it seems correct, click "I Agree".
Next just comes a short video explaining the history of Animal Jam which we always find interesting but if you don't simply hit "Skip".
Here Liza on the right, one of the historical figures of Animal Jam, explains how some of Animal Jam works. Again, if you don't want to listen or already know how to work Animal Jam, you can simply hi "Skip".
Finally!, the moment we've all been waiting for! The creation of your account! Your account has finally been created and now you may wander Animal Jam as you please. As you get the hang of Animal Jam, you'll be begging for a membership!